
Gather opinions from your

school community

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Create custom

Use text questions, multiple choice, matrices and more

Share with
your audience

Share a unique URL with the people you want to survey

responses online

Your audience fill out your survey via the web

the results

Surveyanywhere collates the results in a single screen report

Gather feedback from stakeholders

Surveyanywhere allows you to gather feedback from parents, staff and students on their experience of the school and their likes and dislikes. This helps inform your planning and how you communicate with your school community.

Plan events
and activities

If you’re planning an event or activity, Surveyanywhere is an ideal way to quickly gather input on things like location, catering, timings and other preferences which would be immensely time-consuming to collect by phone or email.

Spot important trends

Keeping in contact with your school community through regular surveys can allow you to spot important trends, whether positive or negative and respond swiftly to them. This can often save time in the long run, and lets everyone know you’re listening to their needs.

Compare “before”
and “after”

Whenever you introduce a major change in the running of the school, or an important event occurs, you can use “before and after” surveys to analyse the outcome of the change, and assess whether or not it has been successful.

App Store

Surveyanywhere is part of a suite of apps that allow you to access your school website and e-learning in one place. Here are some of the apps currently available. For more information, follow the links, or go to

The successor to the traditional learning platform (VLE). Build ‘learning sites,’ using text, images, videos and quizzes, and share them with pupils.

An online rewards app. Integrates with Blog, and gives each pupil an avatar, or online character. School Merits is now free to all schools.

Communicate with parents quickly and easily. Keep parents updated instantly on their smartphone with news, upcoming events and school closures.

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